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Maung & Mayali

by Lindsay Parkhill, NRCC Support Worker

'Jesus iminy, "makiny, anngurakanyi tuka pata jawirna nuwu anpanamin pu ta nungmalal mira ja Arrkingan iyamany nuwu la kurriwurlkpungkun ta nuwurri."' Mark 5:19 (Maung)

'Jesus said, "Now, go home to your friends and tell them what wonderful things the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been."' Mark 5:19

The Maung translation is slowly and deliberately proceeding without a convenient front translation; we pray that the Kunwinjku translation team complete that work so it may be loaded
onto Our Word and considerably facilitate the translating. Rosemary Urabadi and Nancy Ngalmindjalmag are developing a translation routine supported by Heather Hewitt in
Victoria. The wonders of technology! Skype sessions between Warruwi (Goulburn Island) and Horsham (Victoria) enable indigenous translators and the most proficient Maungspeaking
balanda ('whitefella') in the world to communicate and refine the Maung translation as it progresses.

Following pastor training at Jabiru, AuSIL have donated another computer so that work can start on Kuninjku/ Mayali translation. Godjok Namurndja and a group of language workers from
the homelands in Western Arnhemland have already started work on this dialect of Kunwinjku and we look forward to their work being published and used for our evolving Scripture in Use program.
The nurturant value of this translation work is terrific. It gets people to wrestle with deeper levels of Scripture. One word currently being debated in the Maung camp is 'Jesus'. Is Jesus ja
Arrkingan, 'the one who is our (inclusive) brother' or ja Kiwken, 'the boss, the one who sees'?