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Coordinate Supporting Indigenous Scripture in Central Australia

Coordinate Supporting Indigenous Scripture in West Arnhem Land

Coordinate Supporting Indigenous Scripture in North East Arnhem Land

The Pitjantjatjara Old Testament Project

Dedication of Mark in Mawng at Warruwi Goulburn Island

East Arnhem Bible Translators presenting at a workshop in Gove

A map of australia showing the location of west australia and central australia.
A row of surfboards in different colors on a white background.

View our regions

Coordinate supports scripture projects across four areas in Northern and Central Australia.  Learn about past and current projects being undertaken in West Arnhem Land, North East Arnhem Land, West Kimberley and Central Australia.

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A row of surfboards in different colors on a white background.

Recent news articles

14 Jun, 2024
North East Arnhem news 'seeing the big picture'. Partnering to support Indigenous Scripture across Australia, The Australian Bible Translation Collaboration. Nungalinya in Maningrida. Bobo Ngalwangarri - Obituary for H. Hinch. Praise and prayer. From Sydney to Elcho Island. Pitjantjatjarra Children's Art Bible: 'Godaku Tjukurpa', Nami's legacy of love for children. Yanyi and Leviticus.
A woman is cutting a red ribbon to open a door.
19 Apr, 2024
Maningrida now has a translation centre and it has been an epic journey! The Kunibídji whose name for this place is Manayingkarírra are the traditional owners. They gave enthusiastic permission for the building of a new Bible Translation Centre down near the beach next to the Church House. There are eleven languages spoken in Maningrida and it is time to have a space where language work can happen. The West Arnhem Area Council of Northern Regional Council of Congress, the UCA church elders of Western Arnhemland, were also enthusiastic supporters of the project.
A group of people are standing outside of a building at night
19 Apr, 2024
Maningrida is a large Aboriginal Town where eleven languages are spoken. With support from the Kunibídji Traditional Owners and the Elders of the Maningrida and West Arnhemland Uniting Church, The Maningrida Bible Translation Centre was opened in September 2023.
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A row of surfboards in different colors on a white background.

Maningrida Translation Centre

The Maningrida Translation Centre was established in September 2023 with the support of the Kunibídji Traditional Owners and the Elders of the Maningrida and West Arnhemland. The centre is open for bookings year-round. 

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